Limit Hamstring Injuries with Nordic Hamstring Exercise

Author:  Matt Couch

Publish Date: June 17th, 2019

As a soccer player the health of our legs is important for us to participate and perform. Soccer players suffer from a variety of muscle or joint injuries  related to the legs every year. A 2015 study showed the importance of hamstring exercises to reduce hamstring injuries. The specific exercise used was the Nordic Hamstring Curl.

The study consisted of 32 teams of amature male soccer players. The teams were divided into an intervention group and control group. Some players reported prior hamstring or current hamstring injuries. The intervention group only reported 11 hamstring injuries, compared to the 25 hamstring injuries reported by the control group. This evidence shows the importance of implementing a hamstring exercise regimen into soccer trainings.

The Nordic Hamstring Exercise Protocol runs 13 weeks. The frequency and number of sets and reps increase incrementally throughout the 13 weeks. To perform the nordic hamstring exercise, begin by kneeling on the ground, a partner will brace the lower portion of the leg at the ankles or calves. The kneeling partner will lean forward bending at the knees and catching themselves before reaching the ground. Hamstrings  should stay engaged through the movement of the exercise to ensure eccentric load

